Sunday, July 21, 2013

Peace, Love and Fringe.

"Woah, trippy man." A phrase you may have heard in the 70s is resurfacing again at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. 'Hippie Chic' is the newest exhibit at the MFA and it runs until November 11th of this year. I was walking by the MFA when I noticed two Volkswagen vans parked outside. I then saw the banners advertising: Peace, Love, and Fringe- Hippie Chic Exhibit.' This intrigued me and since I get in free with my student ID (only available to Colleges of the Fenway Schools), I decided to head in with a friend and check it out.

Going in, I had little idea of what to expect, as all I saw was that it was 70s themed. I was delighted to see that is was based on 70s fashion. Although the 70s fashion is not my favorite, I am a huge lover of fashion and appreciate noticing the evolution of trends through the years. There were manikins in designer 70s dress all around the room, which was decorated in typical 70s fashion, with shag carpets and groovy colors.

They also had a jukebox with songs from the 70s that you could play on it for free. It really added to the atmosphere.

I would highly recommend this exhibit to anyone who loves the 70s, fashion, or just appreciates art in general.

Check out the pictures from my visit!

My personal favorite- an Yves St. Laurent

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